ENGLISH South Africa: Closing the book — final call to action

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South Africa

Closing the book — final call to action


This article summarizes the situation in South Africa from a pragmatic perspective and ends with an appeal for European nations and nations that originated in Europe to relax immigration laws to grant refugee status to people of European descent from South Africa so that they can exit BEFORE the economy collapses

December 2013

James Robertson

Since early this year I have emailed thousands of people regularly with regard to the situation in South Africa

I truly believe that you are in touch with what is happening in South Africa and are concerned about the situation

I hope that you have studied the contents of the South Africa Real Issues website and have seen that economic collapse is looming and that the necessary consequence of this collapse will be a bloody revolution and Civil War

As you know there are already hundreds of thousands of Europeans living in terrible conditions and thousands being murdered anually

It is only through an intervention by the European Union or United Nations to provide a way out for the millions who are descended from Europe but have NO way of leaving that a massive tragedy can be averted.


[JdN: This photo has left a big impression. I found it somewhere with Google, but a diligent search by an English comrade found no details or evidence. A white South African told me that the negro kids look like real, local South African tribes. Black Africans, just like East Asians, have a slightly or very different appearance in each tribe, and connoisseurs, and the white Boers, can recognize typical features in each tribe, just as Germans look different from Swedes. Thus, so far l assume the photo is from South Africa today.]

The article below summarizes the situation in a manner that I hope will provide you with the information you need to approach others for support and action

Since March this year I have repeatedly emailed every member of the European Parliament, a significant number of newspapers around the world and a significant number of Embassies in South Africa

I have just emailed them again

I encourage you to make use of the email addresses for these people that are under the “Actions” page on the South Africa — The REAL Issues website to add your voice to the appeal and to take whatever other actions you are able to take to try and prevent a massive loss of life

I am NO longer in South Africa and I do NOT have the resources to continue with this activity, I hope that you will find a way to help the huge number of Europeans in South Africa who are facing a very bleak future.

Nelson Mandela is dead.

Some anticipate a “night of the long knives”.

What is the reality?

The African majority is firmly in the saddle, in Government at all levels, in Parastatals and increasingly  through Black Economic Empowerment, in the Private Sector.

Superficial monitoring of newspapers like Business Day http://www.bdlive.co.za/provides daily reports of corruption and the impact of Government Policy that is progressively damaging the economy.

Less visible are the countless small businesses that are in duress or just quietly closing their doors and the large number of mid-size businesses that are slowly but surely contracting and haemorrhaging capital as they try to stay afloat in the mistaken belief that the low visibility depression that is running in South Africa is a cyclical event that will turn.

The real severity of the situation is masked by huge buoyancy in some sectors marked by massive flows of cash into sectors of the economy through fraud, tender-preneuring, etc as the coffers of Government are looted wholesale.  BEE shareholders with large sums of hand-out wealth keep the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Buoyant and boost the property market fuelled by a mistaken belief that these markets somehow magically create wealth.  The South African Rand is similarly artificially buoyed although starting to slide at an accelerating rate.

All of this is underpinned by a phenomenon that few understand, the long term inertia of societies and economies that is illustrated in the graph below:

Despite reports to the contrary, the South African economy was structurally sound prior to 1994, a large amount of wise long term investment in infrastructure, education, etc was starting to bear fruit notwithstanding the artificial cap of sanctions.  From shortly before 1994 these restrictions were lifted and this was followed by an inflow of sympathetic investment and increased trade which dramatically stimulated the economy.

This boom, which resulted from the solid foundations laid BEFORE 1994, has continued to today although, at a structural level as shown in the diagram, it has now levelled off and is on the point of dramatically collapsing.

This situation is the consequence of the gross lack of knowledge and experience of the new Government and all the people who have been forced into all sectors of the economy to varying degrees.  It took time to mobilize the full force of BEE, Cadre Deployment (allocation of positions of privilege on the basis of ANC allegiance) and Affirmative Action.  It has taken further time to actively force highly experienced and qualified Europeans out of Government and Parastatals at all levels and to start actively forcing Affirmative Action into the Private Sector.  Beyond this the further inertia of things that WERE working well has also taken time to slide quietly into progressive collapse at different levels in different organizations.

Diverse socialistic agenda’s that have been sapping the economy of working capital through unproductive grants, like the “Child Support Grant” that is sapping R36 billion per annum that should be going into high value activities and has turned child bearing into an industry are having an increasing impact.  The available statistics are questionable and uncertain but indications are that the African population is growing at between 1 and 2 million per annum, more meaningfully 10 to 20 million per 10 years (i.e. 25% to 50%).  Concurrently the ANC Government have all but destroyed the education of the lower classes through idealistic policies, forcing out competent European educators and gross mismanagement, for example the ongoing failure to deliver textbooks to large parts of the poorer sector.

In this process somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 competent Europeans have been forced out of the economy, particularly out of the State sector into poverty and are living in squatter camps.  Of the order of another million Europeans and a significant number of competent Asians and Africans have left the country.  Statistics are unreliable because of people with more than one passport, people operating partly in South Africa and partly overseas, etc.  The former group were in large measure keeping the wheels of government running smoothly, the latter group were and continue to be in large measure those who are upper and middle income earners, business people, entrepreneurs, consultants.  Anyone who has portable knowledge and experience and either the physical or intellectual capital to move or who is entitled to citizenship elsewhere and can simply leave.  One analysis, based on the number of pets leaving the country, suggests that as many as 300,000 more may have left in 2013.

Together this haemorrhaging of experienced and capable people from the economy to be replaced by people with limited knowledge, experience and aptitude who have been forced into their positions in order to comply with ANC edict and racial quotas is progressively crippling the economy.  In many areas the Public Sector is operating more on the basis of legacy capability than the competence of the people who now form the core of many organizations.  In other areas enterprising business people have filled the gap, as with the massive number of security companies compensating for Police inadequacy.

To better understand the above consider the following:

A fundamental component of a learning economy is early childhood experience.  The behaviour and ability of an adult is in large measure formed by critical events in the first five to seven years of life.  The majority of African Cadres and Affirmative appointees lack the early childhood experience to equip them for their tasks.  This includes ongoing insistence on “mother tongue education” which massively compromises young minds by equipping them with a first language that is commercially and technically irrelevant such that for the rest of their lives they are forced to operate with a “second language” that many never master because of its much greater technical complexity and nuance.

Another factor in the contraction that has been taking place for the last fifteen years is the Dunning-Kruger phenomenom “The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive biasin which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes. “ (Wikipedia).  More bluntly this results in what might be termed “arrogant ignorance” and is a major factor in the grossly inappropriate actions of the ANC. 

A further factor is the “Power-Fear” culture of Africa whereby people gain power through manipulation, fear and promises and hold onto power in the same way.  There is no thought to competence, only allegiance.   This is evident throughout Africa and most visibly in Zimbabwe.

What is best termed “the Garden of Eden mind-set” or “entitlement” is also at work at a major level.  At the time Europeans arrived in South Africa the most advanced technology was grass huts, crude spears and low temperature crude pottery.  Food and necessities quite literally “fell out of the tree” and Africans subsisted largely with what they found in their surroundings.  There was no written language, their spoken language was non-technical, there was no mathematics or other advanced knowledge and no significant technical ability and no material ability to design, build, develop or progress in any way.  They had been living in these primitive conditions for thousands of years while Europeans and Asians had developed sophisticated technologies and societies steeped in learning.  There is a widespread belief amongst Africans that is frequently evident in the utterances and writings of even the most educated that things are simply handed out, NOT carefully conceptualized, progressively refined and earned through hard creative effort.  There is an intense need to own things rather than knowledge and ability that is well demonstrated by the land invasions in Zimbabwe and much of ANC policy.

This extends into what might be called “greed versus prudence”, profligate spending when they have money and crying for help and blaming others when the money is exhausted.

There are other factors as well, see http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org for a comprehensive analysis.

All of these factors together have generated the economic collapse of every economy in Africa that has been “Africanized” and they are working together to achieve the unthinkable in South Africa, the total collapse of a sophisticated “first world” economy.

The final component of this particular element of the jigsaw puzzle is a total lack of cognitive and deductive reasoning that would enable the leaders of the ANC to look at failed experiments in Zimbabwe and the rest of Africa and recognize that kicking the Europeans out only leads to poverty and collapse.  This lack of cognitive ability extends to being unable to see the consequences of their failed policies and actions and insistence on intensifying the very things that are causing deterioration of the economy.

Rushton and Jensen (http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/pppl1.pdf) through an in-depth study of the same phenomenon amongst African Americans in the USA have clearly established that this lack of cognitive deductive reasoning is in large measure genetic.  This can be understood by examining the brutal murder of those who in any way threatened the position of reigning kings in Africa in previous centuries, as evidenced by the documented conduct of Dingane and others who brutally murdered those who showed initiative or questioned the status quo.

The combined impact of this entire spectrum of factors is that the Government of South Africa and, increasingly the South African economy have been handed over to people who think that owning the economy is all that is needed in order to benefit from it, who lack the knowledge and experience to run it effectively, who are arrogant in their ignorance, are obsessed with power, have no appreciation for the talents that create wealth and lack the cognitive deductive ability to discern their error.

We thus are faced with a situation where, on the one hand the South African economy is facing structural collapse and on the other hand an artificial bubble of false affluence is masking the reality.  It is only a matter of time before the bubble bursts at which point the Rand, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the South African property market will all collapse, more or less together plunging the economy into massive depression and collapse.  This will probably be accompanied by a panic flight of those Europeans who can still get out leading to further collapse.

This situation on its own will be disastrous, however, there is another side to it, massive expectations have been raised amongst less educated Africans who make up the bulk of the population.  Various grants, free housing, etc have delivered benefits that were NOT earned and which are NOT sustainable.  When the economy goes into free-fall these benefits will evaporate.

Concurrently Julius Malema and his “Economic Freedom Fighters” together with many ANC leaders and cadres are talking up a storm of unachievable economic expectations coupled to increasingly vicious anti-white race hatred.

Inevitably, once the economy has collapsed such that the largess of the ANC falls away the uneducated and expectant masses will flock to Malema.  Malema as president in around 2019 is a distinct possibility.  When Malema proves incapable of delivering on his meaningless and uninformed promises a mass uprising will follow that will make the French Revolution look mild.

There is an added toxic element in the mix.

While most of what is being laid at the door of Apartheid by the ANC today is false, the Apartheid Government built schools, towns, roads, etc in African areas where none existed before, this other dimension is lurking in the shadows waiting to explode.  In considering Apartheid it is important to recognized that in 1868 the European population of South Africa and the African population were approximately equal, both under 1 million – black majority rule is a fallacy.

Apartheid was, in fact, a response to the explosion of the African population whose mortality rates were reduced through European medicines and care, coupled to barbaric murders, crime and ongoing influx of uneducated primitives who wanted part of the affluence that their own leaders were unable to provide.


Behind Apartheid lies an evil side that is not widely visible but is well known to Africans although they seldom talk about it to Europeans or even to journalists.  A racially promiscuous bent amongst certain Afrikaner men that has resulted in many apparently African people having European, primarily Afrikaner, fathers at some level in the last 200 years.  It turns out that there is a component of the Afrikaner population who subscribe to a set of values that have taken Bible verses and twisted them in various ways to “prove” that Africans are sub-human, children of Satan or in other ways not worthy of being regarded as human beings.  A further distortion of Bible verses is used to support a mind-set that says that sex with an African woman is NOT actually sex with a human being and is therefore really only a more pleasant form of masturbation.  In some circles, it is viewed as being more acceptable to have convenience sex with a black girl than masturbate.

A direct consequence of this is that huge numbers of African women have been impregnated by primarily Afrikaner men and abandoned to their fate.  It happens that because the genes for African appearance, skin colour, hair form, etc are dominant , the majority of these children appear African although they may have paler skin colour and European bone structures and body shape, and intellect.  It also happens that where a child is born that is clearly European the child and the mother have traditionally been murdered in witchcraft rites and therefore the fornication is hardly visible.

The women clearly cannot afford to talk about what has happened.  The men clearly do not talk about it and so it is hardly known.  But, amongst Africans there is an awareness that this is prevalent although they do not know the full extent.  This evil, fathering children as a sexual convenience on the basis of perversion of Bible verses and then sending them and their mothers off to at best subsistence tribal existence and at worst barbaric death, is a festering spiritual and psychological sore that is unique to South Africa in terms of its magnitude.  One report even suggests that Jacob Zuma is five generations removed from a European Afrikaner father who sought sexual relief with a young Zulu virgin.  Malema too is rumoured to have European blood in his heritage.

This justified racial anger is in large measure behind the barbaric murder, rape and assault of primarily Afrikaners and other assaults on Europeans that are widely reported with thousands being barbarically murdered yearly.  One recent report saw an elderly man forced to watch while his wife was repeatedly raped and then he was murdered by having his teeth pulled out one at a time with pliers until he died of pain.

This then, was the true evil of Apartheid, discrimination by Europeans against their own children and mistresses and it is another source of the huge anti-white anger that is boiling in the melting pot of South Africa waiting for the right spark to ignite it.  A devastating Civil War that will almost totally destroy the country is looming within ten to twenty years.

Thus the sins of a subset of the European population are dramatically fuelling the coming explosion.  The question for all who read this must surely be “what about the rest?” What about the millions of middle of the road “moral” Europeans who are facing almost certain death not to mention the millions of Africans who are not members of the dominant and most combat orientated tribes, the Zulu and Xhosa, who will be eliminated in the final conflict between those two powerful groups.  It is no wonder that Jacob Zuma has built a fortress for his retirement.

I suggest for your consideration that there is a moral imperative for every country of Europe or European origin including Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, etc to find ways of carefully and selectively relaxing immigration laws to allow South Africans of European descent to exit as refugees as a matter of urgency.  I am not sure that anything can be done to prevent the Africans doing what Africans do best, destroying what the Europeans have built up.

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I sincerely hope that you will at least skim these webpages so that you will more clearly understand the situation and be better placed to take decisions that will be effective

Please visit the website and read the detailed analysis and then consider what action you will take, particularly if you have influence internationally

For discussion of the spiritual issues please visit



and http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/FastPray.aspx 

Yours faithfully







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Why YOU should read this

Sobering …  it is so simple I could not see it … how can we prevent this? … now that I have read this I see I need to leave … only intervention by the Almighty will prevent this … YES!!! … this really IS a disaster waiting for a place to happen … not sure we can recover … explosive … MUST READ … Eye opener …

Please visit the webpages on Fast and Pray and Covenant Gathering to gain a better understanding of the REAL issues in South Africa




Please read this book or the entire website

If you are concerned about what is going on in South Africa this book and website are a MUST READ – this email is to notify you of the existence of the site and to encourage you to visit the site and, if you see value in what is contained there, to download the book and SHARE links to the site or specific pages with your family, friends, associates, etc – there are SHARE buttons all over the site so that you can link to FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc and also so that you can email a link

You could also forward this email to others – there are suggestions on the site with regard to sending bulk emails to your mailing list and an offer to assist with this if required

The balance of this email contains further information about the book and the site in order to assist you to decide whether to visit the site or download the book

In view of the murder rate of white South Africans, variously reported at between 30,000 and 69,000 since 1994 and because there are increasing signs that the ANC does NOT tolerate criticism and may deal with it violently and for other reasons the book and website are published under the nom de plume of “Concerned South African”

I hope that you will find the book and website of value and that, if you do, you will share it with your family, friends, associates and others


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Overview — Where IS South Africa going — REALLY?

Where IS South Africa going? REALLY?

This book cuts to the chase, calls a spade a spade

Pulled together in one place everything that South Africans of non-African descent NEED to know

The President of South Africa leading the leadership and tens of thousands of ANC supporters singing “the Cabinet will kill the Boer with machine guns” – a basis for impeachment? 

Certainly violates his oath of office!  and the Constitution

More than 68,800 Europeans MURDERED since 1994!

Claims of Genocide – the REAL  ANC agenda?

Economic destruction on ALL sides – Cadre Deployment,

Aggressive Affirmative Action, BEE – more than 300,000 whites forced out of employment

GROSS incompetence, negligence and cover ups – heading for economic COLLAPSE

Explains WHY this is happening –> history –> culture –> religion –>  psychology –> economics –> etc


Massive Black population growth coupled to mass poverty, massive unmet expectations and …

REVOLUTION – expect more than 40 million deaths – 75% of whites DEAD – rest in Western Cape


The scenarios … AND the options

If YOU live in South Africa this is a MUST READ


Click here to go to the website at

Click here to download free pdf eBook — South Africa — The Real Issues (23 MB)

Full Table of Contents at the bottom of this email — the ENTIRE book is ALSO presented on the website so that you can read on-line — there are links in the Table of Contents to all pages

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If you find value in this site please FORWARD this email to AS MANY people as possible!

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More comments

Now, at least, I have a clear basis for deciding my course of action … I really want my family to read this … Every non-African in South Africa needs to read this … Alarming … Sobering … Makes things I have been wondering about for  years clear … When I read this the lights went on — I suddenly UNDERSTOOD what I was observing … Calls a spade a spade … MUST READ ….

Table of Contents for the Website and the Book — with links

Please click on the topic to go to the relevant web page


Do NOT Impute Motive — the ANC and the Afrikaners

About the Cover


Zuma leads tens of thousands in singing about murdering whites — an in-depth analysis of why this is so destructive

The South African Extreme white murder rate — what is driving it? — analyzed in-depth

What was Apartheid Really? — an in-depth analysis of why Apartheid was NOT what it is widely believed to be



·         Preamble

·         Simplifying Complexity – my Analytical Approach

·         Who AM I?

·         What I am Feeling (same as most Europeans?)

·         Evidence of Impending Collapse

·         The Audience for this Book

·         The Level of Murders of Europeans

·         Race – The Unmentionable Fundamental that is Driving it ALL

·         To my African Countrymen – WHY I am Alienated

·         Why am I so UNSETTLED?

·         10 Concrete things the ANC is doing that are causing Irreversible Economic Damage

·         There ARE Highly Intelligent and Highly Capable Africans – BUT…


The Critical Issues

·         The Critical Issues Overview

·         Mythology

                o   SA Myths Debunked

o   What the White Man Brought to South Africa

      o   The Truth about Exploitation, Oppression, etc

      o   Erroneous Thinking in terms of Majority Rule

      o   Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment are Complete Misnomers

      o   The Black Settlement Phenomenon – Social Helplessness

      o   How is Prosperity Created?

      o   How is Poverty Created?

      o   The ANC is Founded on a Fundamentally False Premise

·         Economic Meltdown — The Time Trajectory of Strategic Collapse

·         The ANC’s REAL Agenda?

·         Black Population Explosion

·         The Collapse of Education

·         South Africa is NOT a Democracy

·         Other


The Intangible Factors Driving South Africa’s Collapse

·         The Dunning-Kruger Phenomenon ? Arrogant Ignorance and Other Destructive Consequences

·         Understanding Early Childhood Learning and its Impact on South Africa

·         Understanding “Power-Fear” and its Negative Consequences for South Africa

·         The African “Garden of Eden” Mindset (Money Grows on Trees)

·         Greed Versus Prudence

·         Understanding versus Rote Learning

·         Assets and People do NOT EQUAL Wealth

o   The Land Issue

o   Asset Obsession and things that are NOT Wealth

o   Different Definitions of Wealth – Another Point of Difference

·         Genetics?

            o   Major Gaps in African Deductive Reasoning – Cause and Effect, etc

o   The Manifest Cause and Effect Cognitive Gap Throughout Africa

·         Words – Harder than Concrete

·         The African Victim Drama and European Rescue Drama Dynamic

·         Communism – Exacerbating Power-Fear and Arrogant Ignorance

·         Witchcraft and Ancestor Worship – Central to Understanding

·         European Fundamentals that Mask the Seriousness of the Situation

o   Attributes of Europeans and Africans Contrasted

o   Psychodynamics of Africans and Europeans

o   European Fundamentals – Towards Understanding South Africa 2013

o   Mistakes the Europeans (especially Afrikaners) made

o   The 2%:12%:86% Wealth Creation Phenomenon amongst Europeans

                o   Fundamental European Values at a Wealth Creator, Wealth Developer Level

                o   What South African Europeans do Instinctively to Accommodate Africans

·         Liberalism

o   Incorrect beliefs of Liberal, Christian Europeans

o   Liberalism – Seriously Clouding the Issues

·         The Religious Dimension

·         Apartheid

o   Overarching Headlines a Week after Reading the book “Bulala” by Cuan Elgin

o   Thoughts after Reading Bulala – A True Story of South Africa by Cuan Elgin

o   What WAS Apartheid? – REALLY?

o   Afrikaner Racial Hostility, Distrust, Fear and Arrogance – Truth with Wrong Attitude

o   The Afrikaner Paradox – Blessed AND Persecuted

o   Apartheid – Afrikaner South Africa’s Public Relations Disaster


Some Important Principles

·         Creating Wealth in the New South Africa

·         What is an Economy? – REALLY?

·         The Fundamentals of Mining

·         What is the Purpose of Government?

·         Why South Africa could NOT have Grown much more before 1980


Other Considerations

·         Did you know? – things that are breaking

·         An Alternative Summing up

·         Why is the Johannesburg Stock Exchange so Strong?

·         Letter to the Editor of a Professional Journal

·         Letter to the Editor of an Afrikaans Newspaper about Zuma singing Shoot the Boer

·         Why are Europeans NOT much more Energized in Defending themselves?

·         Why did the ANC only really have an impact from the late 1940’s?

·         Lessons from Dingaan and Retief ? Treachery

·         The Battle of Blood River – a Case Study in African Fundamentals

·         What IS Democracy?

·         What the British Brought

·         A Prophetic View – “The Almighty Speaks on South Africa”


Possible Courses of Action

·         Technically Valid Corrective Actions – Envisioning the Impossible

·         What can YOU do?

·         The basis for Europeans Withholding BEE, AA and tax and Demanding Change NOT the way

·         Your Options

·         Defensive Actions to Consider

.         Contact Newspapers around the European World — nearly 300 eMail Addresses


Conclusion — The Essence of my Views on South Africa


Fast and Pray — Some Spiritual Considerations

Follow up — Developments since writing the book and newsletters


The Almighty Creator is calling 100,000 adult believers to assemble at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria on Monday 16th December 2013 and for as many as possible to fast for three days at a time for seven weeks culminating on the 16th of December


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This email and associated webpage have presented a consolidated view of some little understood realities about the South African situation and the impacts of ANC policies and action.

There is much more information on the rest of the website — see the detailed Table of Contents above.

If you have learned something of importance on this page, please share it with as many people as possible

If you are not on our mailing list, please subscribe with the link below

It is time to realize that there are much more complex fundamentals at play in South Africa and stop blaming Apartheid for the fundamental deficiencies and weaknesses of Africa

It is time to recognize that it is ONLY through the concerted effort of European South Africans that South Africa has any hope of avoiding massive destruction

It is also time to recognize that the ANC and Africans generally lack the knowledge and experience to run South African and are therefore in the process of destroying it

It is time for all those who can see the truth to stand up and be counted and, in particular, for European governments around the world to change their stance on South Africa as the pending economic collapse will ultimately result in massive poverty and genocide that will shock the world

It is perhaps still possible to take measures to prevent this now but time is rapidly running out

All who believe in the existence of the Almighty Creator and who have a relationship with Him and are concerned about the situation in South Africa are called to fast and pray for the country and, where possible, gather at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria on Monday 16th December, the Day of the Covenant, to bring the Almighty in remembrance of His Covenant made at Blood River, to repent of their sins individually and corporately and to cry out for deliverance.



Please visit the rest of this site for more information

At http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/Actions/Getthemessageacross.aspx you will find guidelines in terms of Public Relations and Marketing practics to apply in getting an appeal for help out to the Western World in a constructive manner building on the European heritage of the people who are being murdered and forced out of the economy

At http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/Actions/ContactNewspapersaroundtheWorld.aspx you will find over 200 email addresses for Western Newspapers and suggestions with regard to contacting them

At http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/Actions/ContactDiplomaticMissions.aspx you fill find email addresses of Embassies and Diplomatic Missions in South Africa so that you can also contact them

and at http://www.south-africa-the-real-issues.org/Actions/ContactEuropeanParliamentarians.aspx you will find email addresses for all European Parliamentarians

In these latter cases I suggest you appeal for help to stop the murder of Europeans in South Africa and also for relaxation of immigration and citizenship laws in European countries for Europeans who want to leave South Africa

I met recently with “Gazza”, a South African living abroad who wants to produce a TV Documentary with regard to the South African situation drawing on this book and website for information — he is looking for committed South Africans to sponsor the programme — if you can help financially or in any other way to do your bit to make a difference and reach policy makers and politicians in the countries of Europe and elsewhere you can contact him on  z6200-mail@yahoo.co.uk

The Almighty has also called for 100,000 adult believers to Assemble at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria on the 16th of December, the Day of the Covenant 2013 to cry out of revelation of why this judgment has come on the people of South Africa, repenting of sins and errors and crying out to the Almighty for miraculous deliverance — this number of people is required in order to counter the Satanic, demonic and witchcraft forces that are arraigned to bring total destruction to South Africa and Europeans in particular

Remember that even if YOU can get out, there are millions of whites, coloureds and Asians who CANNOT, we need International Pressure to bring the ANC to book before it is too late

Thank you for reading this

Warm regards



Concerned South African



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…..See also my own (John de Nugent) articles:

1) https://johndenugent.com/english/english-a-boer-cries-out

2) https://johndenugent.com/white-south-african-tragedy



If you want a White Tribe and a tribal religion to give us the inner fire again, and FACE REALITY AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, then I am your man.

“Machete” — My fiery review of a White-bashing, pro-illegal alien move and my orders


Glory to Mary Phagan and the White Men who Avenged Her — My video on a 1913 rape and murder of a beautiful 13-year-old White girl by a high Jewish official, Leo Max Frank, whom the top citizens of Georgia finally courageously lynched when he was about to walk free despite the US Supreme Court and four other courts confirming his guilt. (AND DON’T MISS “EPIC BEARD MAN” IN ACTION! 😉 )




Others have been making big sacrifices.

Donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log 

How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

–via credit card top left or right!

–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”(IF STOLEN THEY CAN BE REDEEMED! JUST KEEP THE RECEIPT)



–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)






–PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

–Your check made out to “John de Nugent”


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This 1940 book, Soldaten des Führers im Felde, “Soldiers of the Fuehrer in the Field”,  has 3-D glasses and 3-D photos showing the triumphal three-week blitzkrieg campaign in Poland. I sold this heirloom to pay the rent. 


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